Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Turkey Diving

So I landed in this little city called Fetiyhe, and stayed at nice little budget hotel - where I was looked after by a couple of lovely New South Welsh lasses, one that looked like my old flat mate Erica and the other like Elle McPherson - Aye the beauty of life :)
I had a day of relaxing by the pool, catching up on some sleep and emails and "work" and even popped out in the late afternoon to check out Oludeniz (not correct spelling) which was supposed to be a beautiful beach - I really love Australia when I see this type of thing, I worry sometimes that I will never leave home again one day - it is so amazingly beautiful at home, so long as we keep fighting the Corporate Giants that only care about profit and keep them away from ruining our natural beauty future :) - this might happen.
I then did a couple of days of diving - mostly reading a text book and learning to "save" a diver in different circumstances - which was great fun, and hard work.  I am now a qualified rescue diver and have EFR (Emergency First Response) which basically means I can give CPR as part of the ABCDs - I have done First Aid before, so it was a welcome reminder of the skills, I think I will keep that skill set up by going back and doing it every couple years as required, it is a great skill to have I think.
On day 2 of diving I was soooo sick of Turkish breakfast I mostly skipped it and headed straight to the boat.  I was a little hung over too, as the night before I had met a really interesting guy that worked for the Social Democrats in Holland, we ended up having a few drinks more than I had planned with a dive coure the next day.  So I ate my first banana in years - and I enjoyed it! It was truly amazing.  I had just read about how Rescue divers should be fit and healthy and eat well, and that bananas are a good source of potassium which help reduce cramps - the most common form of dive rescue requirement - and I thought I want a banana smoothie to get me started.  Finding Soy Milk in Turkey is near impossible, so I eventually settled for a banana - expecting to have to choke it down, but I ended up loving it and have eaten on almost every day since :) turning 30 has its advantages in the taste sector.

I then headed to Kas for some more diving, where I decided to do both the Deep Dive speciality and the Wreck Dive specialty as it was only 100TL more for the extra specialty (I was only doing Wreck at first) above the dive.  I now have 3 specialties, and I am ready to do a Dive Master course, which is great, I think next year I might go do that in Thailand or Malyasia.
On day 2 of Kas I met a lovely young lady on the boat and we made plans for dinner (if I wasn't on a bus that night, which I thought at the start of they day I was, but realised by the end of the day I wasn't)
I found out that this lovely lady had a Bday the following day so we had a nice birthday dinner and some drinks and dancing - it was a very romantic holiday romance which ended up carrying over to the next night.  Afterwards I was told I had reminded her of how love could be in life and how important it was to remember ones self in your relationships.  I was suitably flattered, it is a beautiful thing when you can bring hope to someones life :) funnily enough this was not the only time this has happened to me, in fact it happens quite regularily for what in my opinion is such an unusual thing to do.  I guess, especially when I am on "holiday" I am a much more open and accepting person, to the point where I even dropped a bottle cap the other day, and didn't pick it up  - which a good friend of mine picked me up on, when I realised, I was horrified at myself.  Surroundings and the like really do have an influence on oneself, I picked up a bit of other trash along the way in order to remember I "who" I was again.

I realise I wrote this a couple of weeks ago now, like 4 and lots has happened :) whoops :) but now posted....